New Job? New books!
As a new assistant principal in a new community, I've been reading a lot. Here are some education recommendations!
1) Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in School by Monique Morris- This book reminded me that black girls' voices and bodies are judged harshly, and that their ability to lead and self-advocate is rarely nurtured. Respect is not automatically given to them, and they have learned to demand it. 2) Motivating Black Males to Achieve in School & Life by Baruti Kafele- This was a quick read that gave really practical advice to educators: listen to and appreciate the music your students love; go on community walks and learn about the community you are serving; seek out positive role models that reflect the students' racial identities; establish young men and women's empowerment groups; be able to SEE your students achieving greatness. 3) The Bridge to Brilliance by Nadia Lopez- A school principal's struggle to build a school that teaches and inspires working class black and brown youth to succeed. I cried as I read it, relating to the struggle of inspiring youth that carry so much trauma and rage.