THE HATE U GIVE screening recap

We've all read Angie Thomas' stunning novel, THE HATE U GIVE, right? I had a class set funded through DonorsChoose last year, and have been able to expose my students to this amazing novel about relevant social justice issues. I am so excited that the movie is coming out (limited release date: October 5; nationwide release date: October 19), and fully intend to take my students on a movie field trip!

Thanks to a family member who works in the film industry, I attended an early screening of The Hate U Give at Fox Studios yesterday! The film stays true to the essence of the book, and it follows Starr Carter's emotional journey after she witnesses the shooting of her childhood friend at the hands of a police officer. The audience, mostly people of color, clapped and cheered when characters delivered empowering lines, and audibly gasped and screamed during some of the most shocking scenes. I spoke to various people after the screening, who all loved the film. A South Asian woman I spoke to admitted that she had not previously given much thought to the fears that Black people face when interacting with the police. An elderly Black couple said that the film reflected their own realities, and stressed that movies like these were "long overdue." There is so much thought-provoking substance in this film, and I highly recommend this movie when it comes out!
After the film, the stars came out for a Q & A panel, in which they all agreed that this film was a labor of love dedicated to the families who had suffered these tragedies. They wanted to honor the memories of the many Black people whose lives had been taken, and saw their roles in this film as acts of resistance, love, grief, and healing.
A reception followed the screening, and the directors and stars stayed until the very end, graciously meeting fans, thanking us for the support, and taking pictures with anyone who approached them. It was an amazing day that I'll never forget!
Note for educators: If you're a teacher, please check out for curricular materials related to the film. This organization is also hosting screenings and Professional Development events for teachers around the United States, so make sure to follow BazanEducation on Twitter for updates!